What does that mean exactly?
It means your story is the key to touching the hearts of people all around the world, sharing a powerful message, and winning clients who love what you do.
What else can I tell you?
I’m one of those people who talks about Love a lot.
If you believe love belongs in business, we’re going to get along just swell.
Because maybe, like me, you believe that you have to LOVE what you do and the people you serve to have a fulfilling life and business.
There’s nothing more fulfilling than doing work you’re passionate about with people who appreciate what you do and connect you on a deep and soul-satisfying level.
I wholeheartedly believe that’s what we were born to do… that the purpose of life is to find that sweet spot between Self-love and Contribution. And that our businesses are a means to create something beautiful on this planet.
But it isn't an easy journey.
There’s insecurities and steep learning curves.
And maybe you haven’t quite found your balance yet.
Maybe you’re terrified of starting a business. Maybe you’re still searching for your voice and your story and don’t know what to do next.
Maybe you need the tools and strategy to market in a way that feels natural, right and easy. Maybe you need the words to powerfully express who you are. Maybe you just need the EXACT STEPS to building your brand.
Whatever the case, I help you wrangle your way to clarity & stay true to who you are through Story.
I help you package your gifts and communicate in a way that speaks to the heart of your dream client so you can GROW YOUR BUSINESS with the utmost authenticity and o’natural magnetism.
I also run workshops and mastermind groups to help you find your story and build a brand from the ground up. It’s a little slice of magic.

(We're getting personal now)
I’ve been in love with stories for as long as I can remember.
Growing up as a London city kid, my mother often told me stories of her upbringing the Philippines, walking barefoot for miles every morning to sell milk from the family farm. Her stories made me realise there was more “out there” than I could ever imagine, people living a life far different from my own.
A mixed cultured heritage (my dad’s English-German) and migrating to the states when I was 15, pretty much solidified my lifelong interest in how cultures and people come together.
That led to studying humanity’s “bigger story" (a degree in Anthropology and English Literature) and diving headfirst into storytelling, working as a writer at a tiny museum in Alabama once I graduated.
I interviewed civil rights leaders (Martin Luther King’s attorney, friends of Rosa Parks, and many of the people responsible for desegregation) and developed exhibits to tell the story of the Civil Rights Movement.
I can tell you, there’s nothing quite like hearing stories directly from the mouths of legends; people who banked their life on serving humanity and literally used their stories to create change. It gives me goosebumps just thinking about it.
As an anthropologist at heart, I've developed a knack for asking powerful questions, inquiring into what makes us tick a human beings. It’s one of the most profound speculations we can have, right up there with what’s the meaning of life?
What does make humans tick? What causes us to act? Create mass movements and revolutions? To care and put our integrity on the line? These questions underscore my work as a storyteller and ability to dig a little bit deeper.
Whether its creating social revolutions or business revolutions, its the message and story that inspires people to take action. Everything we do as people comes down to the stories we tell - and I'm all about telling stories that matter and that have the power to shake things up.

Freedom, living on your own terms, and using entrepreneurship as a catalyst to create love for self and others mean everything to me.
You could say I'm a bit of an overachieving hippie.
I’ve lived in a forest, harvested mushrooms in the mountains with a mycologist (a fungi expert), acted as a street performer, drank beer at 9am with New Mexico farmers snacking on beef jerky, strategised nation-wide campaigns, brokered deals in boardrooms, worked with stem cell scientists, and co-ran conferences for female entrepreneurs.
Stories are my life’s work. From synthesising interviews as a writer, to analysing data and marketing campaigns, to using it as a tool for self-discovery and providing entrepreneurs heartfelt guidance for their brands.
Having worked all over the world mastering the fine art of storytelling, content marketing and authentic branding, I now have the pleasure of working with start-ups, solopreneurs and SMEs (check out what folks have to say) and it’s an absolute honour and calling.
A couple years ago, clients and friends told me I spearhead “businesses with heart” and that my articles and stories bring out the human element, helping to pave the way for purposeful business.
I LOVE that, and have used the term ever since, almost as a rallying cry for what I believe in.
They inspired me to write my upcoming book about branding with story and heart.

I used to think “authenticity” was one of those cheese-ball words, until the true meaning of it hit me.
Authenticity is about constantly checking in with ourselves. Are we happy? Are we being honest? Are our words, actions and emotions in alignment? How do we really feel? What do we really believe in? It's checking our intentions and integrity (and sometimes confronting uncomfortable truths) so we can liberate ourselves and give something beautiful and honest to the world.
I believe authenticity is the highest form of honouring our brief existence on this planet - and it’s the purist form of giving.
The world is full of defenses, and it’s those who live with an open and loving heart who inspire shifts and heal that planet. It’s not just a new wave of ethical business, but a way to get in touch with our humanity, and strive for growth and win-win solutions.
I am so grateful to be alive right here, right now, to be part of it.
My promise and commitment is to connect with people, with YOU, and strive to see the true meaning of what you do.... helping you follow your calling and positively impact the world. Together, let's spur heart-lead business forward!
Whether you’re a total newbie wanting to embark on a fulfilling path, or been in business a while and want to reconnect with your identity and your audience so you can build a meaningful brand, I would love to help and offer my storytelling guidance and toolbox.